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Home > News > Vishay Launches New Precision Thin Film MELF Resistors to Reduce Component Count, Save Space, Simplify Design, and Lower Costs

Vishay Launches New Precision Thin Film MELF Resistors to Reduce Component Count, Save Space, Simplify Design, and Lower Costs

Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. (NYSE: VSH) has announced the release of new precision versions of its AEC-Q200-qualified thin-film MELF resistors in 0102, 0204, and 0207 packages: MMU 0102, MMA 0204, and MMB 0207. These Vishay Beyschlag devices offer a low temperature coefficient (TCR) of ± 15 ppm/K, a tight tolerance of ± 0.1%, and resistance values up to 10 MΩ, meeting the high stability and reliability requirements of a wide range of applications.

Compared to previous thin-film MELF resistor products, the newly launched devices feature significantly higher resistance values. For instance, an earlier 0204 package resistor with a TCR of ± 25 ppm/K and a tolerance of 0.1% offered a maximum resistance of 511 kΩ. In contrast, the precision MMA 0204 achieves resistance values 10 times higher, reaching 5.11 MΩ with the same TCR and tolerance. With a TCR of ± 15 ppm/K, the resistance value reaches 1 MΩ. The increased resistance enables a single MMA 0204 or MMB 0207 resistor to replace multiple lower-value resistors in series, saving space, simplifying design, and reducing overall costs.

These precision resistors are based on advanced metal film technology, enhancing reliability for power current detection. They are ideal for use in automotive advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), LiDAR, connectivity and camera systems, as well as communication, industrial, and medical devices. Designed for robust performance, they feature excellent sulfur resistance and outstanding overall stability with stability ratings exceeding 0.05. The devices are suitable for processing on automatic SMD assembly systems, are lead-free, RoHS-compliant, and meet Vishay’s green standards. Additionally, they are halogen-free.