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Home > News > Vishay Launches New 1 Form A Solid-State Relay for High-Safety Electronic Systems

Vishay Launches New 1 Form A Solid-State Relay for High-Safety Electronic Systems

Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. (NYSE: VSH) has announced the release of its new 1 Form A solid-state relay, the VOR1060M4, which features a slim SOP-4 package, a 600 V load voltage, and a 3750 VRMS isolation voltage. Designed for energy storage, industrial, and mobility applications, the VOR1060M4 offers fast switching with a typical turn-on time of 0.3 ms and an ultra-low leakage current of 2 nA.

This recently launched optoisolated device uses advanced infrared emitters and photodiodes to achieve fast switching, making it ideal for applications demanding high safety standards. Its low leakage current allows the relay to function effectively in sensitive low-level applications without interfering with the signal. Additionally, the compact SOP-4 package saves board space compared to competing solutions.

The industrial-grade VOR1060M4 is designed for isolated switching in energy storage systems (ESS), including inverters, motor control, and battery management systems (BMS); industrial motor drives; power tools and controls; safety and automation systems; as well as test and measurement equipment. The device is RoHS-compliant, halogen-free, and adheres to Vishay's Green standards.