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Home > News > TSMC Reports Year-over-Year and Quarter-over-Quarter Revenue Growth, Advanced Process Revenue Exceeds 70%

TSMC Reports Year-over-Year and Quarter-over-Quarter Revenue Growth, Advanced Process Revenue Exceeds 70%

TSMC announced its financial report for the fourth quarter of 2024 on the 16th, with consolidated revenue of approximately NT$868.46 billion, marking a 38.8% year-over-year growth and a 14.3% quarter-over-quarter increase. Net income after tax was approximately NT$374.68 billion, up 57% year-over-year and 15.2% quarter-over-quarter. In U.S. dollar terms, TSMC's Q4 2024 revenue was $26.88 billion, reflecting a 37.0% year-over-year increase and a 14.4% quarter-over-quarter increase.

3nm process shipments accounted for 26% of TSMC's total wafer sales revenue for the fourth quarter, while 5nm process shipments made up 34% of the total wafer sales revenue. Shipments from the 7nm process contributed 14% of the total wafer sales revenue for the quarter. Revenue from advanced processes (including 7nm and more advanced processes) accounted for 74% of the total wafer sales revenue for the quarter.

Looking ahead to Q1 2025, TSMC expects consolidated revenue to be between $25 billion and $25.8 billion. Gross margin is expected to be between 57% and 59%, while operating margin is projected to be between 46.5% and 48.5%. TSMC's capital expenditures for 2025 are estimated to range between $38 billion and $42 billion.