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Home > News > TSMC Achieves Over 60% Yield for 2nm Process, Set for Mass Production Next Year

TSMC Achieves Over 60% Yield for 2nm Process, Set for Mass Production Next Year

TSMC plans to begin mass production of 2nm chips next year, with trial production already underway at its Hsinchu facility. The results show a yield rate exceeding 60%, with further improvement expected. Typically, yields need to reach 70% or higher for a process to move into large-scale production.

With the current 60% yield from trial production, TSMC is on track to bring its 2nm process into mass production next year. This timeline keeps TSMC far ahead of its global competitors. NVIDIA, AMD, and others are among the early customers for 2nm technology, though Apple is set to be the first to adopt it. Apple’s A20 chip for the iPhone 18, featuring advanced SoIC packaging, is confirmed to be the first product to use the 2nm process.