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Home > News > NXP Unveils First Models of Ultra-Low-Power MCX L Series MCUs

NXP Unveils First Models of Ultra-Low-Power MCX L Series MCUs

NXP has announced the launch of the first models in its ultra-low-power MCX L series microcontroller lineup: the MCX L14x and MCX L25x. The MCX L series is expected to begin sampling in the first half of 2025, with full availability in the second half of the year.

The MCX L series features a dual-core architecture with an independent ultra-low-power sensing domain, making it ideal for battery-constrained applications such as industrial monitoring, building management, and flow metering sensors.

Powered by the Arm Cortex-M33 core, the MCX L14x runs at speeds up to 48 MHz, while the MCX L25x achieves a higher clock speed of 96 MHz. The MCX L25x also includes a Cortex-M0+ core that operates as an always-on ultra-low-power sensing domain.

The MCX L series offers a range of memory configurations, including 64 to 512 kB of flash memory and 8 to 128 kB of SRAM.