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Home > News > Murata Launches Ultra-Compact Communication Modules with Integrated MCU and Multi-Wireless Standard Support

Murata Launches Ultra-Compact Communication Modules with Integrated MCU and Multi-Wireless Standard Support

IoT devices come in various forms and require not only cost-effectiveness, miniaturization, and longer battery life but also flexible wireless technology options, network compatibility, and enhanced security for secure connections. Furthermore, to accelerate time-to-market, wireless solutions certified for multiple communication standards are essential.

To meet these needs, Murata has developed the ultra-compact Type 2FR/2FP communication modules, measuring just 12.0mm x 11.0mm x 1.5mm, supporting Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth® Low Energy, and Thread. Equipped with a 260 MHz Arm® Cortex®-M33 MCU, the modules deliver advanced security features and enhanced Matter protocol compatibility. Additionally, when paired with optional external antennas, they can serve as pre-certified solutions under radio communication laws.

Mass production of these modules began in October 2024. By supporting Matter™, the universal standard for communication protocols in smart home products, these modules facilitate IoT device miniaturization and low-power operation, helping customers bring their IoT devices to market more efficiently.

The Type 2FR module supports all three standards: Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth® Low Energy, and Thread (a wireless communication standard for IoT devices).

The Type 2FP module supports Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth® Low Energy but excludes Thread. Both modules feature an integrated microcontroller unit (MCU) capable of handling communication protocol processing, all within a remarkably compact form factor.

Additionally, Murata is developing wireless modules without an integrated MCU, the “Type 2LL/2KL,” offering flexibility to pair with other MCUs. The Type 2KL module supports Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth® Low Energy, and Thread, while the Type 2LL module supports Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth® Low Energy. Mass production of these modules is scheduled to begin in the first half of 2025.