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Home > News > Microchip Launches New Turnkey Capacitive Touch Controller MTCH2120

Microchip Launches New Turnkey Capacitive Touch Controller MTCH2120

Turnkey touch controllers offer a fast and straightforward way to upgrade mechanical buttons to modern touch buttons or displays. With the introduction of the 12-button MTCH2120 touch controller, Microchip Technology Inc. provides designers with a direct path to implementing touch button functionality in user interfaces. This low-power, water-resistant turnkey touch device integrates seamlessly with Microchip’s unified ecosystem, streamlining the design process and facilitating transitions to other turnkey solutions or MCU-based touch implementations. The MTCH2120 is the first in a series of I²C-based touch controllers, supporting a comprehensive design ecosystem.

The MTCH2120 delivers a stable touch experience unaffected by noise events or humidity, while offering high flexibility to meet specific product requirements. Its low-power capabilities allow grouping of buttons, reducing scanning activity and minimizing power consumption, while keeping the buttons fully operational.