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Home > News > Intel Suffers Major Decline in South Korea’s DIY PC Market as AMD Takes 55% CPU Market Share

Intel Suffers Major Decline in South Korea’s DIY PC Market as AMD Takes 55% CPU Market Share

In South Korea's DIY (Do-It-Yourself) PC market, the market share of AMD's Ryzen processors has been steadily rising since September 2023. When Intel's 14th-generation Core processors, released in October last year, failed to meet performance expectations, consumers began to turn to AMD's Ryzen 7000 series, launched around the same time.

According to data from Danawa, a South Korean platform for IT components and systems sales, AMD Ryzen processors held a 55% market share in the South Korean DIY PC CPU market as of July, while Intel Core processors captured around 45%. With the upcoming release of the energy-efficient Ryzen 9000 series processors, the gap in market share is expected to widen further.

Danawa’s statistics indicate that Intel Core processors maintained a market share above 55% until August 2023. However, starting in September 2023, Intel's share began to decline, dropping below 45% by February of this year. The reasons behind Intel's market share drop are well-known, with widespread reports of instability issues affecting the company’s 13th and 14th generation CPUs, with over 8 million chips reportedly impacted.

In contrast, AMD’s Ryzen processors surpassed the 45% market share threshold in the fourth quarter of last year, completely overtaking Intel by the beginning of this year. Except for June, AMD Ryzen processors have consistently maintained a market share above 50%.

The surge in Ryzen processor sales isn’t limited to DIY PCs. Sales of Ryzen processors have also seen significant growth in PCs supplied by mid-sized companies in South Korea. A source from a mid-sized manufacturing firm stated, “Sales of products aimed at general consumers, such as the Ryzen 5 7500, have increased significantly, while products featuring Intel processors have seen declining sales.”

However, the launch of AMD's latest Ryzen 9000 series CPUs has been weaker in South Korea, mirroring trends in the global market. Recent reports from Europe also indicate that the price of the high-end Ryzen 9 9900X CPU dropped by 8% just days after its launch, suggesting that demand has not picked up as anticipated.