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Home > News > Infineon Launches OptiMOS Linear FET 2 MOSFET, Enabling Advanced Hot-Swap and Battery Protection Features

Infineon Launches OptiMOS Linear FET 2 MOSFET, Enabling Advanced Hot-Swap and Battery Protection Features

To meet the stringent requirements for safe hot-swap operations in AI servers and telecommunications, MOSFETs must feature robust linear operating modes and low RDS(on). Infineon Technologies AG (FSE: IFX / OTCQX: IFNNY) addresses this challenge with its new OptiMOS™ 5 Linear FET 2. This MOSFET is specifically engineered to strike an optimal balance between the low RDS(on) of trench MOSFETs and the wide Safe Operating Area (SOA) of traditional planar MOSFETs. By limiting high inrush currents, the device protects sensitive loads from damage, while its low RDS(on) minimizes losses during operation. Compared to its predecessor, the OptiMOS™ Linear FET, the OptiMOS™ Linear FET 2 features enhanced SOA performance at high temperatures, reduced gate leakage current, and an expanded range of packaging options. These improvements enable designers to parallelize more MOSFETs per controller, reducing Bill of Materials (BOM) costs and offering greater design flexibility through an extended product portfolio.

The 100 V OptiMOS™ Linear FET 2, available in a TO-leadless (TOLL) package, delivers impressive performance. Compared to standard OptiMOS™ 5 devices with similar RDS(on), the new MOSFET achieves 12 times higher SOA at 54 V for 10 ms and 3.5 times higher SOA for 100 µs. This improvement is particularly crucial for Battery Management Systems (BMS) in handling short-circuit conditions. In such scenarios, reliable system design depends on effective current distribution among parallel MOSFETs. The OptiMOS™ 5 Linear FET 2 optimizes current sharing through enhanced transfer characteristics, significantly reducing the number of components required—up to 60% in designs where short-circuit current determines component count.

These features enable high power density, efficiency, and reliability for battery protection, making the OptiMOS™ Linear FET 2 suitable for applications such as power tools, e-bikes, e-motorcycles, forklifts, battery backup systems, and fully electric vehicles.