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Home > News > Foxconn Announces Strategic Partnership with Zettabyte

Foxconn Announces Strategic Partnership with Zettabyte

Zettabyte, a global leader in AI data center software and infrastructure solutions, is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with Hon Hai Technology Group (Foxconn), the world’s largest electronics manufacturer. This collaboration, backed by capital investment, aims to drive innovation and expand the adoption of high-efficiency AI solutions worldwide.

Zettabyte’s flagship product, Zware, is an advanced AI data center management software designed to optimize GPU performance, significantly reduce energy consumption, and maximize computational output. This cutting-edge solution enables enterprises to achieve unmatched efficiency and sustainability in AI computing.

Kenneth Tai, Chairman of Zettabyte, stated, “We are thrilled to collaborate with Foxconn, renowned for its excellence in manufacturing and innovation. This partnership will accelerate the deployment of our technology to meet the surging global demand for high-performance, energy-efficient AI computing.”

The collaboration aligns with Foxconn’s commitment to advancing sustainable technologies. According to Foxconn, Zware’s capabilities to enhance AI data center operations while drastically reducing energy consumption present an opportunity to set new benchmarks for the future of AI data centers.

This partnership highlights Zettabyte’s leadership in revolutionizing AI infrastructure and its dedication to providing transformative technologies for enterprises worldwide.