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Home > News > Farnell Officially Launches Diotec Semiconductor Products

Farnell Officially Launches Diotec Semiconductor Products

Farnell, an Avnet company and global distributor of electronic components and solutions, has announced the addition of Diotec Semiconductor’s discrete semiconductors and related peripherals to its product lineup, now available for order with worldwide shipping.

Diotec offers a wide range of diodes, bipolar transistors, MOSFETs, linear voltage regulators, SiC MOSFETs, SiC Schottky diodes, and IGBTs, catering to the diverse needs of industrial, automotive, energy, lighting, and consumer electronics applications.

Jose Lok, Semiconductor Category Director at Farnell, commented:

“Diotec’s core strength lies in its extensive expertise, spanning wafer production, chip manufacturing, product assembly, and testing. Their highly regarded product range, combined with their renowned responsiveness and competitive pricing, makes this partnership very exciting for us.”

Headquartered in Germany, Diotec Semiconductor operates production facilities in Slovenia, India, China, and Germany, offering over 6,000 different components. These components serve a wide variety of industries, including industrial, automotive, energy, consumer electronics, and lighting.

Dr. Saverio Barboni, Chief Marketing and Sales Officer at Diotec Semiconductor, added:

“Our close collaboration with Farnell provides an ideal platform with strong international reach for Diotec and our versatile product portfolio. We look forward to leveraging this partnership to showcase our products to a broad customer base across multiple sectors.”