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Home > News > Apple’s M4 Mac May Start with 16GB of Memory

Apple’s M4 Mac May Start with 16GB of Memory

As applications and operating systems demand more memory, 8GB of RAM in computers is increasingly becoming insufficient. According to media reports, Mark Gurman revealed in his latest report that Apple’s upcoming M4 Mac computers might start with 16GB of RAM by default for the first time.

This would break a nearly eight-year tradition, as Apple has offered 8GB of RAM as the base configuration for the MacBook Air since 2016.

Gurman noted that the M4 Macs being tested are “all equipped with either 16GB or 32GB of memory,” suggesting that users may no longer need to pay extra to enjoy 16GB of RAM.

Additionally, 32GB of RAM will become the new upper limit for the M4 Macs, an upgrade from the current 24GB maximum available with the M3 chip.

Alongside the memory upgrade, the M4 Macs will also feature the more powerful M4 chip, which debuted in the iPad Pro. The chip is built on TSMC’s second-generation 3nm process and includes advanced CPU, GPU, and neural engine technologies.