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Home > News > Apple's First Foldable iPhone May Debut as Early as Next Year

Apple's First Foldable iPhone May Debut as Early as Next Year

A recent patent published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has garnered widespread attention in the industry. Apple has successfully secured an innovative patent for the design of a future foldable iPhone. The patent not only outlines the structural blueprint of the foldable phone but also reveals the innovative application of solid-state buttons and full touch-sensitive control technology, signaling a significant breakthrough for Apple in the foldable display field.

According to insiders, Apple's first foldable iPhone, originally expected to launch in 2026, may see its release date significantly moved up, with a debut possibly as early as next year.

Apple's accelerated progress on the foldable phone project is backed by deep technological expertise and a forward-looking strategic layout. For years, Apple has been committed to the development of foldable display technology, with multiple related patents surfacing. These include innovations aimed at reducing screen creases through special manufacturing processes, improving durability, and developing self-healing technology—all intended to enhance user experience and extend the device’s lifespan.

Notably, the patent Apple recently obtained highlights the integration of solid-state buttons with full touch-sensitive control, offering users an unprecedented interactive experience. This design not only refines the device's appearance but also enhances the convenience and flexibility of its operation, pointing to a potential revolution in the way future smartphones will be interacted with.